Working in an ethical and socially responsible way is an essential element in our business vision and practice.

Transparency, only limited by client and candidate confidentiality, is among the most important of our firm values together with professionalism, integrity and a deep societal and environmental consciousness.


Code of Ethics


Ad Capita will serve all clients professionally, disclosing all necessary information and carrying out work with maximum rigour, transparency, focusing always in deliver high-quality results.


Ad Capita conducts its consulting and advisory activities objectively and impartially. Where we feel that our impartiality may be in question, we will inform the client of that fact. We will always inform clients of any potential conflicts of interest or limitations to the scope of a search through off-limits agreements etc. We will protect the interests of our clients in our work, both during and after assignments.


Ad Capita will always respect client and assignment confidentiality and takes active steps to maintain the confidentiality of all information. We will not disclose information about the client’s business to third parties without the client’s explicit consent. Ad Capita is equally committed to candidate confidentiality and will normally only disclose search candidate identities to clients at shortlist stage.

Diversity & Inclusion

Ad Capita is strongly committed with our client’s diverse leadership goals consequently all our work as consultants and advisors are guided by these values and best practices are in place to guarantee results are aligned and compliant with such objectives. 

Social and Environmental Footprint


Ad Capita clearly recognises its duty to act in the best interests of its environment and society as a whole by seeking the right balance between pursuing business performance and involvement in societal and environmental issues.

Besides the focus in ethical practices for employees, we do try to embrace social responsibility activities such as culture philanthropy, promoting volunteering and environmental changes.

By managing our environmental impact we look to reduce our carbon footprint and limit waste and although our environmental footprint is small, we are aware of our responsibility to reduce damage to our delicate ecology, minimising energy and paper wastage, recycling paper, plastics and electronic equipment.



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